Rules & Policies
Loganville Middle School Rules & Policies
- Attendance
- Arrival & Dismissal
- Bullying
- Clubs
- Communication
- Conferences
- Dress Code
- Early Checkout
- Flower or Gift Delivery
- Guidance Services
- Grading System
- Hall Passes
- Honor, Merit & Principal's Lists
- Lockers
- Make-up Work
- Medication
- REDirections Behavior System
- School Issued Materials
- Sports
- Tardies
- Technology Policies
- Telephone
- Transportation Requests
- Withdrawal From School
Mandatory Education for Children between Ages Six And 16
O.C.G.A. 20-2-690.1. requires the parent, guardian, or other person who has control or charge of a child or children to sign a statement indicating receipt of such written statement of possible consequences and penalties; children who are age ten years or older by September 1 shall sign a statement indicating receipt of such written statement of possible consequences and penalties.
A violation of the Georgia Compulsory Attendance Law by a student may result in adjudication through the Juvenile Court of Walton County. In addition, a student who violates this law is also in violation of section 2.23 of the Student Code of Conduct and may be punished as follows:
First Offense
Extended work assignments before or after school, Administrative Probation, Corrective Action Plan, ISS, up to 10 days, removal from the bus, Law Enforcement charges and/or Disciplinary Hearing with Alternative School Recommendations or other reasonable disciplinary actions as deemed appropriate by the principal or principal’s designee such as loss of parking privileges, etc.
Subsequent Offenses
Extended work assignments before or after school and/or Law Enforcement Charges filed with Disciplinary Hearing requested with recommendation of removal to Alternative school. Other reasonable disciplinary actions as deemed appropriate by the principal are referred to the Probation Officer, Truant Officer and/or School Social Worker.
Note: Students may NOT participate in activities, rehearsal, practices and/or games on the days he/she is absent from school.
When a student must be absent, the absence will be classified as excused or unexcused. In order for an absence to be excused it must fall into one of the following categories: personal illness, illness or death in the immediate family, recognized religious holiday observed by your faith, absences mandated by governmental agencies, and instances where attendance would be hazardous to the safety of the student. All other absences will be considered unexcused.
Excuses for absences shall be furnished in writing within three school days of return to school. All notes should contain the students name, reason for the absence, the date(s) absent, and parent’s/guardian’s or physician’s signature. Students should bring excuse notes directly to the front office upon their return. A note from a parent will serve as sufficient excuse when brought in immediately following most short-term absences. The principal has the authority to require additional proof of the legitimacy of the excuse. For example, the principal may require doctor’s statements justifying the absences of a student.
Any unauthorized absence from school will constitute an act of truancy. Students with 5 or more unexcused absences, and all cases of students with 10 or more total absences will be submitted to the School Attendance Officer for further options.
Arrival & Dismissal
The school will provide supervision for students 30 minutes prior to the start of each school day. Students must leave the campus immediately upon dismissal unless involved in a supervised after school activity. Car riders must load and unload at the designated area for parent pickup. Students involved in an after school activity must report to the supervising teacher/coach immediately. All students, not under teacher supervision must be off campus by 3:00.
Students riding buses will board buses parked in the bus lanes alongside the school. All students who ride in cars are to be picked up in area specifically designated for parent pick up.
LMS Students will treat all fellow students with respect. They will not humiliate or hurt any other student physically, verbally, mentally, or electronically. In order to be considered bullying, the behavior must be aggressive and include:
An Imbalance of Power: Kids who bully use their power—such as physical strength, access to embarrassing information, or popularity—to control or harm others. Power imbalances can change over time and in different situations, even if they involve the same people.
Repetition: Bullying behaviors happen more than once or have the potential to happen more than once.
Students will avoid any and all behaviors that violate the school or classrooms rules and policies, not limited to the following behaviors or actions:
Isolating/Excluding Spreading rumors/lies Making faces or gestures Posting slander in public places Public Humiliation Electronic Communication Physical sexual harassment Electronic Communication |
Teasing Name calling Insulting Mimicking Harassing Making fun of Verbal sexual harassment Electronic Communication |
Hitting Pushing Kicking Tripping Shoving Stealing someone’s personal belongings Damaging someone’s property Threaten to injure |
They understand that their behavior should comply with all classroom, school, county, state and federal laws including the Middle School Rules and Policies, Walton County Code of Conduct, and the State of Georgia Senate Bill 250 and Statute O.C.G.A. 20-2-751.
They also understand that their behavior is subject to our Code of Conduct which they acknowledge has been reviewed. In addition, they acknowledge that they can be charged with any consequence deemed fit, including a 2.02 or 3.02 code violation from the Walton County Handbook. It is also their responsibility to report bullying if it is seen or heard. They pledge to use the LMS Red Zone Reporting System appropriately. They will do the best they can to help any student who is obviously being upset or hurt by other students.
LMS Parents will do their utmost to ensure that their son/daughter will abide by follow all classroom, school, county, state and federal laws. It is also the responsibility of their son/daughter to report bullying when it is seen or heard.
Parents should obtain their log-in information to our student information system program, iCampus, early in the school year. This portal allows you to view your child’s grades, attendance, and other important information. Please be sure to keep your phone numbers and email address up to date. You can change your email information though a parent portal access on the Walton County website, Go to the website and click on the parent tab. Click on the ICampus Parent Portal and follow the directions. Your contact information can be changed by coming in to our school office and giving that information to an office worker.
The faculty welcomes the opportunity to engage in conferences with parents and students to discuss classroom performance, behavior, or any other concerns. Any parent/ guardian who wish to have a conference should contact your child’s teachers to request an appointment. Keep your teacher’s emails – this is important and allows you to keep up with your child’s performance weekly. If you have a concern or need to talk with someone other than your child’s teacher, please do not hesitate to call the appropriate counselor or assistant principal.
Dress Code
Walton County Board of Education Policy JCDB states students are to dress in a manner that is reasonable and not distracting to other students and teachers. Any dress of an extreme nature will not be tolerated. Each school principal will make final decisions regarding student dress in his or her school.
The following guidelines are the regulations that support WCPS Policy JCDB:
1. Students must be in compliance as they go about their normal school routines.
2. Students may not adjust their clothing in an attempt to correct clothing already deemed unacceptable.
3. No earbuds or headphones shall be worn during the school day except with permission from a teacher.
4. Shirts and shoes must be worn at all times.
5. The “3x5” Rule (using 3x5 index card)
- All dress and skirt lengths will be no shorter than 3” above the knee.
- All pants, shorts, and gym shorts lengths will be no shorter than 5” above the knee.
- The highest point of any slit in a dress, skirt, pants, or shorts must be no shorter than 5” above the knee. No exposed skin may show through holes, slits, rips or tears in clothing higher than 5” above the knee.
6. Refer to box below for skirts, pants, shorts, gym shorts, shirts and blouses:
7. No head coverings except when used as a headband shall be worn inside the building(s). To include, but not limited to hats, ball caps, visors, bandanas, scarves, knit hats and hoods. No face coverings shall be worn including sunglasses used as eyewear.
8. No item of clothing, jewelry, headgear or other visible personal items shall contain the following:
- Suggestive language, graphics, symbols or slogans.
- Profane language, graphics, symbols or slogans.
- ANY reference (language, graphics, symbols or slogans) that are demeaning to others.
- ANY reference (language, graphics, symbols or slogans) to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, weapons or gangs.
- ANY language, graphics, symbols or slogans that are not in keeping with the values of the community.
9. Any “dress” (clothing, hair color, jewelry, accessories, piercings, etc.) determined by the dress code designee to be of an extreme nature is prohibited and is a violation of dress code.
10. All Physical Education Classes must adhere to the dress code outlined in the PE syllabus. STUDENTS MUST ADHERE TO THE OVERALL LMS DRESS CODE ON THEIR WAY TO AND FROM PE.
11. Students violating the Loganville Middle dress code will be referred to the dress code designee.
12. The dress code designee will make the final decision about dress code related issues.
13. Violations of the Loganville Middle Dress Code will result in the following:
- First Offense: Offense warning recorded in the dress code notebook. Student asked to correct the dress code issue. Parent/guardian may be contacted to assist in resolving the dress code issue.
- Second Offense: Offense warning recorded in the dress code notebook. Student asked to correct the dress code issue. Parent/guardian may be contacted to assist in resolving the dress code issue. A student will receive an administrative warning and may receive disciplinary action.
- Third Offense: Student will receive an administrative referral.
- On All Levels of Dress Code Offenses:
- If the student is unable to correct the Dress Code violation, he or she may be placed in ISS for the remainder of the day or until such time as the issue is resolved.
- Upon correcting the Dress Code violation, the student may be permitted to his/her scheduled classes.
14. If the student is out of dress code in ISS then another day of ISS may be added.
The principal has the right to modify or revoke the terms and conditions of the Loganville Middle Dress Code Policy at any time. Changes to this policy will be communicated through daily school announcements and will be posted on the Loganville Middle School website.
Early Checkout
To assure your child receives maximum educational benefits and to alleviate traffic problems, we ask that you only pick up your child in case of medical or other unavoidable appointments. When you must pick up your child early, please make the pickup prior to 2:00 pm. After 2:00 you will be required to wait for the school to perform its normal dismissal procedures.
Parents and guardians who wish for other responsible adults to pick up a child should list that person in the student’s emergency contact/pick-up information in iCampus. All adults will be expected to show picture ID when checking out a student or visiting our campus.
Flower or Gift Delivery
Guidance Services
Guidance counselors are available for every student, not just for those who have experienced or are having trouble. Our teaching staff works closely with the counselors to help students succeed in school and reach their fullest potential. Any student desiring an appointment with a counselor must have a pass from the teacher or counselor. Parents are invited to contact their child’s guidance counselor at any time for assistance or to share concerns.
Grading System
Hall Passes
Honor, Merit & Principal's Lists
Use of Loganville Middle School lockers is a privilege. All students will be issued a locker at the onset of enrollment. Lockers are required to be locked at all times. Cell phones are not permitted to be in students' possession during the instructional day, and should be stored in lockers during regular school hours. We cannot be held responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged personal property.
1. All lockers are the property of the Loganville Middle School and are subject to applicable school policies. We reserve the right to alter the policies governing the use of lockers and locks with appropriate notice.
2. Any assigned locker found unlocked at any time will be secured and possibly reassigned.
3. Use of a locker by a person other than to whom it is issued is forbidden. Misuse of a locker may lead to termination of locker privileges.
4. Each student may have only one locker.
5. Loganville Middle School reserves the right to open a locker with or without the consent of the student to whom the locker is registered in instances where locker procedures are being abused or in the case of an emergency situation.
6. Students are not permitted to affix anything to the interior or exterior of their lockers.
7. All personal items must be stored completely within a locker. All items left outside of a locker, whether secured or not, will be removed and disposed of accordingly.
8. All lockers not cleaned out by the end of the school year will be vacated and contents destroyed.
9. LMS is not responsible for lost or missing items, either before or after clearance of a locker.
Make-up Work
A student with excused absences is allowed three (3) school days from the day of his/her return to make arrangements with the classroom teacher to make up the work missed. The teacher and student will decide upon a reasonable time for completing and handing in make-up work. It is the student’s responsibility to request make-up work and to return it as arranged. Students may make up final exams missed due to unexcused absences with prior permission of the school principal. If you are absent for three or more days, a parent should call the office and request your assignments. Please allow 24 hours for teachers to get assignments ready. These assignments can be picked up in the front office. Make up work for a one-day absence must be turned in within three days of returning to school. (Board Policy JBD)
Every student is given a new health information form at the beginning of the school year. Every student is required to turn this form in by the end of the first week of school. Forms go to the school nurse to keep on file for emergencies.
School nurses must have written permission to administer any medication. Please check the medication box and the yes/no box to give permission for medication at school. Parents will be contacted prior to administration. Please see the school nurse for any additional forms for asthma, seizures, diabetes, etc that you may need. Please note that medications brought to school in "baggies" will not be given by the school nurse. Medication forms must be on file in the school clinic.
Medication policy: JGCD – R: Medication Guidelines for Administration of Medication at School
NO medication of any kind will be administered to any student without a signed authorization form from the students parent/guardian and the prescribing physician, subject to the exception of emergency administration of auto–injectable epinephrine.
NO over-the-counter medication or herbal/dietary supplements will be administered on a routine basis to any student for more than a two week period without a written order from a healthcare provider authorized to prescribe medication in the state of Georgia.
Parents and guardians are responsible for delivering student medications to the school nurse. Students are NOT permitted to transport medication to or from school or to possess such medication at school, unless the student is granted an exception to this rule as provided in the student's Individualized Education Plan, Section 504 Plan; Emergency Medication Plan; or Diabetes Management Plan.
Prescription medications must be in the original container bearing a prescription label from the pharmacy. Over-the-counter medications must be in the original container with the label from the manufacturer.
Medications which may be self–administered at school include as asthma medications, auto-injectable epinephrine, diabetes treatment medications, and, as authorized by school administrators, other potentially life-saving medications that may be administered in an emergency.
REDirections Behavior System
The following school wide behavior system will be implemented & enforced throughout the school year. This is a
progressive plan & teachers will be consistent with this system and relay all of their expectations in the class to
their students. Referrals are a part of a student’s educational/ behavioral record.
Red 1: Warning
- Date & behavior put into Infinite Campus by the teacher for student & parent view.
Red 2: Silent Lunch
- Date & behavior put into Infinite Campus by the teacher for student & parent view.
- Parents are contacted via email or phone.
- Connections will contact 3rd period teacher to assign silent lunch.
Red 3: Written Detention
- Date & behavior put into Infinite Campus by the teacher for student & parent view.
- Parents are contacted via phone.
- Students are given a written detention form to copy & return to the teacher on the following school day.
- A parent signature is required in order for the form to be accepted.
- Failure to follow through with consequence can result in additional writing assignments and/or an admin referral.
Red 4: AFTER School Detention
- Date & behavior put into Infinite Campus by the teacher for student & parent view.
- Parents are contacted via email or phone.
- School wide detentions are held on Thursday afternoons and students should be picked up promptly at 3:15 pm.
Red 5: Referral to Administration
- Date & behavior put into Infinite Campus by the teacher for student & parent view.
- Parents are contacted via email or phone.
- Grade level administrator will assign the appropriate consequence.
Every subsequent RED will result in additional admin referrals.
*RED’s do NOT include tardies!**
*All RED’s start over each quarter.
*RED’s are issued by individual teachers. Teachers do NOT combine RED’s from separate classes.
Behaviors that may warrant a RED include but are not limited to:
- Class disruptions
- Failure to comply with instructions
- Unprepared for class
- Disobeying the class/school rules
Detention is assigned by teachers and is held after school from 2:30-3:15. Parents and students should arrange transportation home from detention in advance. A student’s failure to return their signed detention form does NOT excuse them from the detention. Failure to attend detention will result in more severe consequences, except in those incidences where a parent makes other arrangements prior to the assigned detention with the teacher who assigned the detention.
School Issued Materials
Students are responsible for keeping up with the school issued materials that have been issued to them. Having a school issued materials stolen does NOT release the student from the payment for the lost/stolen materials. Students are strongly encouraged to keep up with materials and use their locker appropriately.
Students will be considered tardy if not in homeroom by 7:30 am. When tardy, students must report to the office to sign in. Students with excessive unexcused tardies will be subject to further disciplinary action. The following dispositions will be used in dealing with tardiness:
3-5 unexcused tardies |
After school Detention |
6 unexcused tardies |
After school detention |
7 unexcused tardies |
Student will receive a Discipline Referral and will see an administrator who will assign appropriate disciplinary action. |
8 or more unexcused tardies |
Referral each tardy thereafter |
Technology Policies
During the school year your student will have the opportunity to use a WCPS device in class. This will be an exciting and educational learning experience for them. There are many different applications, videos, and activities that correlate with the lessons that we will be covering during the year. This opportunity also brings responsibilities, such as taking care of the WCPS technology.
Walton County School District is implementing a $10 per year student Chromebook usage and protection plan for the 2024-2025 school year. Purchasing this plan secures a discounted repair rate for any Chromebook damage and allows the student to take home the Chromebook.
Students are accountable for the acceptable use of WCSD devices and associate technologies through Student Code of Conduct item 2.11 Inappropriate Use of Technology (GA .05):
A student shall not use technology resources to:
Send, display, access, publish or download material or content that is obscene, offensive, vulgar, and/or pornographic by electronic means;
Engage in any violation of the school district policies or the Student Code of Conduct, including bullying, cyber bullying, harassment or threats of violence;
Use obscene, profane, discriminatory, threatening or inflammatory language;
Damage computers, computer systems, software/programs or computer networks (this includes changing workstation and printer configuration). (GA .05)
Engage in “hacking” or any other attempt to compromise the security or configuration of any computer system, including the use of proxy servers or other filter avoidance measures;
Violate copyright laws or engage in any illegal activity;
Use or access another users’ computer ID, file folders, work or password;
Participate in or use electronic mail, instant messaging, chat rooms or other forms of direct electronic communication unless expressly authorized by and under the direct supervision of school personnel;
Publish, display or share material that is reasonably likely to cause a material and substantial disruption to the school environment;
Use a non-teacher approved site on the internet.
Students are also liable for damages to their WCSD-issued device through Student Code of Conduct item 2.13 Destruction of Property ($500 or less) (GA .20):
A student shall not intentionally damage or deface the property of another, including school district property, without the consent of the owner. If the value of the property is more than $500.00, the student will be charged with a violation of Rule 3.12
Students are not allowed to use cell phones or other personal electronic device devices during the regular school day. Cell phones must be turned off and stored in the student's locker during school hours.
LMS is not responsible for damaged or stolen personal technology. All cases should be reported to LMS staff and will be investigated. Any damage to WCPS technology will be fully investigated and monetary fines are possible in the event of misconduct leading to damage, as is the case with the damage of any WCPS property. Parent/Guardians should contact the LMS front office to relay any emergency information to their student.
Use of the office phone is limited to emergency calls. Parents should not call the school to speak to their child. Students may use the phone in the front office as long as the student has a proper pass from their teacher. Office personnel or the school nurse will determine wether it is necessary for a student to call home due to illness.
Transportation Requests
The school secretaries may not take messages regarding checkout or afternoon transportation for students. It is impossible for us to be certain with whom we are speaking. Our primary concern is each child’s safety. Your cooperation is appreciated in this effort.
We require that all students come to school in the morning clearly knowing whether their parents expect them to ride the bus, walk, or be picked up by car in the afternoon. We also ask that parents clearly know whether or not their children are planning to stay for an after-school activity. If you have questions or concerns regarding transportation (bus schedules), please call 770-207-8653.
Requests for special permission to ride a bus (ex: going home with friend) must be in writing from a parent and given to the front office IN THE MORNING. Requests will be reviewed and initialed once they have been approved. Students may retrieve them from the front office during their lunch.